Today we offer you for your coloring a steampunk character by Yampuff. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and
Steampunk character by Yampuff.
Firstly, The Steampunk is based on the aesthetics of a world that did not exist but with a historical basis, that of 19th century when the technology of the time undergoes an explosion in its development and becomes much more present and efficient while keeping as a base the steam technology, mechanics, leaving aside oil and electricity. We find the use of “noble” materials such as Copper, Brass, Wood and Leather.
Thus creating another vision of what the world is with other means. For this reason, it is sometimes more appropriate to speak of “retrofuturism” or “Uchronia Steampunk” to designate the movement.
The expression steampunk , which literally means steam punk , sometimes translated as steam future , is a term coined to qualify a genre of literature born at the end of the 20th century , whose action takes place in the atmosphere of the nineteenth – century industrial society.
First, Steampunk makes its appearance in works of fantasy literature and certain sub-genres of science fiction, such as Jules Verne. This becomes a literary genre forged by allusion to cyberpunk by authors KW Jeter, Tim Powers and James Blaylock.
Steampunk enthusiasts call themselves “Vaporistes” in France, or “Steamers”.
*Text from
steampunk difficulty 3/5
Click on the image and print the coloring for free

This coloring is offered to you by the artist YamPuff:
More about her: Biography – Facebook – Website – Etsy
You can also get a copy of some of his books on amazon:
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