Baroque ornaments printable image

Today we offer you for your coloring the Baroque Adornments image to print. Get it easily, press on the image that you will find a little below and print this coloring. Enjoy this moment of pleasure and relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and

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Baroque ornaments image to print.


First, Baroque is an artistic movement that originated in Italy in cities such as Rome, Mantua, Venice and Florence from the mid-16th century and ended in the mid-18th century. There is a different baroque age depending on the domain, whether intellectual, historical or artistic. Some critics see it as a cultural constant that recurs throughout history as Eugenio d’Ors wrote.

The Baroque, which affects all areas, is characterized by the exaggeration of movement, the decorative overload, the dramatic effects, the tension, the exuberance of the forms, the sometimes pompous grandeur and the contrast, this same contrast of which Philippe Beaussant spoke : the baroque era tried to say “a world where all opposites would be harmoniously possible”.

Originally, the baroque was a pejorative term, relating to oddity and strangeness1. The adjective “baroque” appeared in the 16th century under the name of berrueco (in Spain) and barroco (in Portugal) to designate, in jewellery, an irregular pearl.

The word baroque could also come from a mnemonic device used in the Renaissance to retain the way of constructing, in Aristotelian logic, one of the syllogisms of the second figure, Baroco. The bizarreness that has always been attached to the Baroque was born from this futile and pedantic way of reasoning, to end up, in the 18th century, by designating “the most extreme form of the bizarre”.

It affects all artistic fields, sculpture, painting, literature, architecture, theater and music and is spreading rapidly in most European countries.

*Text from


flourish difficulty 3/5

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Baroque ornaments printable image

We have adapted this coloring page for you with an image from the site ( of the artist Pikisuperstar and we hope you enjoy it. )


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