We are proud to find the latest news from the world of coloring for you. This week we discovered that Entertainment weekly magazine offers you a Spoiler – Media, Hunger Games coloring books. preorder on amazon.ca or amazon.fr
Spoiler – Media, Hunger Games coloring books
Author’s word:
From flamboyant Capitol to wild landscapes and earthy textures of unforgiving arena. The Hunger Games World is rich with amazing images. Among these pages you will find intricate patterns, logos, and designs inspired by characters and scenes from all four The Hunger Games films. Unleash your imagination and add your own style to outrageous outfits from Effie Trinket, trademark braids from Katniss and stunning creations from Cinna. Find of course, the iconic Mockingjay.
This beautiful coloring book is a must-have for any The Hunger Games fan.
Spoiler alert

Find the full article on the Entertainment weekly website here:
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