We offer you today for your coloring the Grayscale fantasy adult coloring page. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and @artherapie.ca).
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Grayscale fantasy adult coloring page.
The imaginary can be defined summarily as the fruit of the imagination of an individual, a group or a society, producing images, representations, stories or myths more or less detached from what they is customary to define as reality.
The concept of the imaginary is polysemous, it refers to a multiplicity of meanings, according to the points of view adopted, according to the authors who use it or the theoretical fields which refer to it. When we speak of the social imaginary or the personal imaginary, we appeal to a notion that is noticeably different from that which common sense associates with the word imagination. It is the capacity of a group or an individual to represent the world using a network of association of images that give it meaning.
*Text from wikipedia.fr
Fantasy difficulty 3/5
Click on the image and print the coloring for free

We have adapted this coloring page for you with an image from the site ( freepik.com ) and we hope you enjoy it. )
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