April fool artherapy by Chocobo

We offer you today for your coloring April fool artherapy by Chocobo. Get it by pressing on the image that you will find a little further down Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and @artherapie.ca).

April fool artherapy by Chocobo.


An April Fool’s joke is a joke made to friends and/or family, made on April 1st. The media (radio, TV, internet) also have the habit of making pranks on this special day. For the majority of children, it is sufficient to hang a paper fish behind the person’s back. Once the joke is discovered the famous cry “April Fools!” closes the joke.

The origins of April Fool’s Day are unclear, but the tradition has existed in several cultures since ancient times and the Middle Ages.

*Text based on wikipedia


Fish difficulty 4/5

Print the coloring for free by clicking on the image

April fool artherapy by Chocobo
April fool artherapy by Chocobo

This coloring page is given by the artist Chocobo :
More on her : BiographyBlog, Le chocoboFacebook