steampunk birds and flowers coloring page

We offer you today for your coloring the steampunk birds and flowers coloring page. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, by Facebook and/or by Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca #favoreads and

steampunk birds and flowers coloring page


Steampunk fashion is mainly based on aesthetics. It is the reflection of an imaginary world with a historical base based on the 19th century. At the time when an explosion in the development of technology makes it become more present and effective. Keeping steam technology and mechanics as a base, but keeping oil and electricity aside. This fashion presents “noble” materials such as Copper, Brass, Wood and Leather. Steampunk enthusiasts are called Vaporists or Steamers.

You should know that Steampunk made its appearance thanks to great fantastic literary works, such as certain books by Jules Verne, K. W. Jeter, Tim Powers and James Blaylock.

*Text based on wikipedia


steampunk difficulty 3/5
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steampunk birds and flowers coloring page
steampunk birds and flowers coloring page

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