Witch Befana to color

Today, we offer you the Witch Befana to color. Get it by clicking on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and @artherapie.ca).

Witch Befana to color

The witch Befana is a legendary figure from Italian folklore, often depicted as an old, hunched woman wearing a large hat and riding a broomstick. Despite her appearance, she is benevolent and known for visiting children’s homes on the night of January 5th to 6th, filling their stockings with sweets or coal depending on their behavior. According to legend, she travels the world in search of the Christ Child, spreading generosity and mystery in her wake. *Text based on wikipedia


Witch difficulty 3/5

Click on the image and print the coloring for free

Witch Befana to color
Witch Befana to color

We have adapted this coloring for you with an image from the site freepik.com and we hope you enjoy this one.

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