Funny llama to draw

Today we offer you the Funny llama to draw. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and

Funny llama to draw.


First, The llama is usually found in South America. It can live between 10 and 20 years. The name “llama” is often used in its broad sense to name four animal species that look alike and that make up the camelid family: the white llama, the alpaca, the guanaco and the vicuña.

*Text based on wikipedia

llama difficulty 3/5

Click on the image and print the coloring for free

Funny llama to draw
Funny llama to draw

We have adapted this coloring page for you with an image from and we hope you enjoy it.


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