For your coloring of the day, we offer you the Pharaoh easy drawing printable page. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and
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Pharaoh easy drawing printable page.
First, the term pharaoh (from ancient Egyptian: per-aâ “great house”) is used to designate the kings of ancient Egypt. The names of 345 pharaohs have come down to us thanks to multiple attestations including royal lists compiled by Egyptian scribes. These sovereigns succeeded each other over a period of more than three millennia between -3150 and -30. From the Ægyptiaca of Manetho, historian and high priest of Heliopolis in the 3rd century BC. J.-C., this long period is divided into thirty dynasties since the unification of the kingdom by the mythical Narmer-Ménès and until the disappearance of Nectanebo II in -343, the last pharaoh of an independent Egypt. After him came two foreign dynasties, the 31st dynasty of the Persian Achaemenid emperors and the Ptolemaic dynasty of Macedonian origin. Archeology has also made it possible to distinguish an archaic dynasty, prior to the first, the Egyptian dynasty zero.
*Text from
egypt difficulty 2/5
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