Disney Winnie the pooh coloring drawing

We offer you today for your coloring the Disney Winnie the pooh coloring drawing. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and @artherapie.ca).

Disney Winnie the pooh coloring drawing.


First, Winnie the Pooh or Pooh Bear is a character from childhood literature. It was created on October 15, 1926 by Alan Alexander Milne. In addition, the illustrations of the books are the work of Ernest Howard Shepard. The first French translation was made by Jacques Papy and dates from 1946.

Second, Winnie’s character is an animated teddy bear. The author was inspired by his son whom he saw playing with his stuffed animals. In the same way that children invent stories in which they are the only ones to perceive the stakes, Winnie and her friends experience adventures that may seem ridiculous to adults. The universe in which these characters evolve is kind and joyful without being devoid of worries.

*Text based on wikipedia


Winnie difficulty 3/5

Click on the image and print the coloring for free

Disney Winnie the pooh coloring drawing
Disney Winnie the pooh coloring drawing

We have adapted this coloring for you with an image from the siteVectorHQ.com and we hope you enjoy this one.