Disney Princess Pocahontas coloring page to print

We offer you today for your coloring theDisney Princess Pocahontas coloring page to print. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, come and show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and @artherapie.ca).

Disney Princess Pocahontas coloring page to print.


First, Disney Princesses is a franchise branch of the Walt Disney Company. Launched in 1999, it aims to bring together the princesses of the movies. In the Disney Store, we find this product line alongside Disney Heroes. It’s always nice to see all the princesses side by side, don’t you think?

*Text based on wikipedia

Princess difficulty 3/5

Print the coloring for free by clicking on the image

Disney Princess Pocahontas coloring page to print
Disney Princess Pocahontas coloring page to print

We have adapted this coloring for you with an image from the siteVectorHQ.com and we hope you enjoy this one.