Pikachu, electric pokemon, coloring

We offer you today for your coloring the Pikachu, electric pokemon, coloring. Get it by pressing on the coloring page that you will find a little further down. Print this coloring and enjoy this moment of relaxation! Afterwards, grab them all and come show us your work, via Facebook and/or Instagram (with the tags #artherapieca and @artherapie.ca).

Pikachu, electric pokemon, coloring


The name Pokémon comes from the contraction of the romanization of the Japanese Pocket Monsters (‘ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā). The term Pokémon, in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 721 fictional species divided into six Pokémon generations. Pokémon is identical in singular and plural, as in every name of a species; it’s grammatically correct to say one Pokemon and many Pokemon, as well as Pikachu and Pikachu.

*Text from wikipedia.fr


pokemon difficulty 3/5

Print the coloring for free by clicking on the image

Pikachu, electric pokemon, coloring
Pikachu, electric pokemon, coloring

This coloring has been adapted for you with an image from the site vecteezy.com