Hello everyone!!
Following a rather hectic weekend on our side, we had to make some changes to our collection. You discovered this morning that some images were no longer available on our site, we are sorry.
To avoid offending certain artists by sharing their work with you and/or having problems with copyrights. We have taken a turn in our way of selecting the coloring pages that you will find on our page!!
From today, you will find a selection of coloring which all belong to our team of colorist and/or researcher. We guarantee that these images are not chosen randomly on the search engines of “google”, “yahoo”, etc…
It is with pleasure that we share these images for free!! Print, share, color… Do not hesitate to refer us to your family and/or friends.
From the entire artherapie.ca team,
Happy coloring!!!
P.S. You are an artist and would like to share your images with us to color our members, please contact us by email at info@artherapie.ca